In March 2009, CSVR received a generous grant
from the Crampton Trust to fund the Adaptive
Devices Program for the Southwest Alabama
area. In January of 2011 another generous
grant was received from the Working Women's
Association of Montgomery. These grants were
awarded specifically to furnish aids and devices
to those who could not afford them. Adaptive
aids are often expensive and beyond the reach
of some visually impaired individuals. The intent
of the Adaptive Devices Program is to enable the
visually impaired to obtain education,
employment or be able to live independently.
Who Qualifies for this Program?
Qualifying for this program are those who,
because of economic circumstances, are unable
to purchase adaptive devices. Qualifying
individuals will be required to document their
financial status.
Is Equipment Needed, Appropriate and
Documentation of vision loss, including type,
severity and prognosis will be made by
evaluation at CSVR, supplemented as needed by
review of appropriate records and other
Return of Unused Devices
Equipment is loaned, not given, to those
qualified. It remains the property of CSVR.
Qualifying patients will receive equipment on a
trial basis, to ensure proper usage. A review of
device use will be performed at 30-60 days.
Devices will be given to patients with the
understanding that if not used, for whatever
reason they are to be returned to CSVR, to be
issued to others. Equipment will be marked
"Property of CSVR" and have contact
information attached.